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New game option for renpy build doesn't work

Can I contact the developers of this game? Do they have any communication channels? I really want to play this game because I absolutely loved helltaker

I can't start a new game, I downloaded Renpy Build for WINDOWS, unpacked the game and launched it. After clicking on New game nothing happens, only the special events and settings buttons work. What could be the reason for this and will it be fixed soon?

Can't seem to start a new game? I can start the seasonal events but I cannot begin a regular new game after downloading the Renpy Update. 

Same problem, what can we do?

well beside loading I can't click anything important to actually play it seems.

Cannot wait for more updates! I really look forward to playing once I can start a new game!


I can't seem to even start a new game, I know this game is good I'd just like some help fixing it so I can play it

it might be because the dates aren’t done yet, but I hope this gets updated when they’re finished

download the 0.41 instead

anyone else getting the "cannot load library ffmpeg.dll" error?

i guess spamming ok fixed it


What exactly happened to this game? like, is there still progress on the game?


What happened to the game?

i need help, i download the game and try to open it, and once i double click, it makes the error noise then nothing happens. I checked task manager and it says its running in the background but i cant open it, any help please.

did you fixed it?


Sorry, the fangame is still in development, I have seen that it has not received updates for a long time. I specifically say this since I remember that they mentioned that once the project was finished they would translate it into Spanish. 


If I said something meaningless it's my lack of sleep

Bit late to say something on my part but you said you're changing engines to Renpy to make it a better game right? Then dont let other folks complaints get you down. You'll release it sooner or later.

sa serait tellement bien si il y avait un patch FR

just found and "finished" the game (got where it ends for now), is there a time planned for a new update?


check the discord, that seems to be where the most recent updates are being posted. They seemed to be slowing down updates for the 4th dates to switch game engines from Tyranobuilder to Renpy in January, idk what they're doing now tho

New year, new opprotunity for romancing cute demon girls! Any update on the status of the next update?

how can i donwload version 0.21


You cannot download the older versions anymore, but all of the content from the previous versions are included in the newest build.

does that include all the first dates to the third dates,all of it is in the version 0.41 you just changed the first,second,third date including the backgroud because i couldn't download when you first released  it and i looked different  back then so i was confused why they look different.also why is beelzebub not in the''select you character'' anymore?


All of the content is still there, with some backgrounds and assets being changed, yes. But the story is still exactly the same.

Will there ever be a patch or update to be able to play it in Spanish?

Potentially in the future, but at the moment we are working on getting the main game finished.

wait, it ends after you help Beel??? What about Sathanas and the others


i neeed more


Game is an absolute joy from start to finish. Great stuff mates


pls make a version for windows 11 it cant run on my pc but it looks fabulous


Just started playing this game, deeply impressed by it. The comments below are making me a bit nervous but im holding out hope for an update!

Is this project still alive ? 

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pleeeeeeeeease I legit cannot get this VN out of my head >.<

I am so ready for the fourth chapter, we're coming up on the one-year anniversary since the third dates have been added. 

I suppose in celebration I'll play through the game again :p

Played through the prologue with Beelzebub and I like what's offered so far.

I'm not sure if I like how the save system works, however. I'm used to them asking for confirmation which does prevent me from making accidentally overwriting saves often in other games. Perhaps implementing that kind of safety feature would prevent accidentally overwriting any crucial saves.

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pleeeeeeease I'm so ready for the 4th chapterr


Жаль не могу заданатить :(



The discord link seems to be dead. :( Did something happen?


This game is the sole reason I've got an account, I was just browsing, saw this and picked it up as something to pass the time, I am now fully invested in this game, the story and world is really good like unholy shit I love this, the writing is on point and all the story lines mesh well, the jokes are funny and overall an awesome game (judgement, justice and modeus are the best ones, fight me) 


I would love with all my heart to see a Spanish translation come out, I've been following the project for two years now, and I can only say that it's great to see how it improves every day.


Russian Russian version 0.4 of the game was in Russian and it was great, I'm waiting for the same about 0.41. The only question is, will the game be officially translated into Russian?

well, im aiming for that, and im only waiting for script, so, i guess it can happen


Needed to ask, for anyone out there: how much does the Beelzebub stuff change the story? Is it something I should do separately or can it run along the main story without too much alteration?


I love the game and the story so much and just wondering when the next big update will come out with more story. Keep up the hard work 


Holy shit, i just finished it to the part its done, but damn i am so amazed by it. It truly is a glories piece of art, there are so many things i want to say but i am gramatikly handycapped. Its so well made and i am so eager to see how this will continue. Its amazing, keep up the good work and thank the lord or deamons that i found this its truelly a blessing. 



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I just decided to pick this up on a whim after hearing about it on the Helltaker subreddit for a while now and I regret not downloading it sooner. Didn't think it was possible for me to love these characters more than I already did, and the new additions to the cast fit so well. I was so sad when I got to the end and saw the credits cause I got so invested into everything. Really hope to see more soon! Fully gonna support this


Amazing game. Captivating story, well-written, only discontentment is with the gym part with Justice. Other than that one thing, I have spent the past 3 days with this being the highlight of each. 10/10, can't wait for the next story updates.

Hello, I wanted to ask whether the game will be released on android yes or no!

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